جهاز درمارولر هو ملحق مصمم لتطبيق لوشن تغذية الشعر على فروة الرأس. الرول مصنوع للموثوقية والقوة. يساعد في توزيع اللوشن بطريقة أفضل وأكثر موثوقية. أظهرت الدراسات أن اللوشن يعمل بنسبة تقارب 200% مع هذا الرولر.
الرولر يحتوي على 540 إبرة تيتانيوم.
الإبر بطول 1 ملم.
الأكثر مبيعًا

Botanicare Hair Nourishing Lotion (NEW PRODUCT) of Fitcare Pharmaceutical Family. Botanicare hair nourishing lotion helps the development of new hair growth by nourishing and activating existing hair follicles.

Its active ingredient is Apigenin, a type of flavonoid. With the biotin, cysteine, arginine, glutamine, iron, zinc, niacin and vitamins A, D, E contained in it, it helps to nourish the hair and hair follicles completely, activate the hair follicles with the active ingredient and support new hair formation.…

Its active ingredient is Apigenin, a type of flavonoid. Containing biotin, cysteine, arginine, glutamine, iron, zinc, niacin and vitamins A, D, E, it helps to nourish the hair completely, activates the cells in the hair follicles and helps the formation of new hair. FITCARE pharmaceutical cosmetic natural and herbal…
Camden (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good service.
Matthew (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good quality.
Angel (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very well worth the money.
Nolan (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good service.
Riley (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very well worth the money.
Patrick (عميل موَثَّق) –
The product is firmly packed.
Mason (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good service.
Kayden (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very well worth the money.
Leo (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good service.
Phoenix (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very well worth the money.
Dylan (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good quality.
Kevin (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very fast delivery.
Nolan (عميل موَثَّق) –
Very well worth the money.
Julian (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good quality.
Mateo (عميل موَثَّق) –
Good service.